If you have stretch marks (like so many people do) you may be looking for a way to make them less noticeable. There are several different avenues you can take to lessen their visibility. Some methods are easy to do at home while others will require professional assistance. To help you figure out what you want to do, here are some details about a few treatment options.

1. Makeup

Makeup works as a temporary treatment of stretch marks. If you do not want them seen for a day, you can cover them up with body makeup. You will need to be careful not to let the makeup get wet, since it can come off easily with water. Some more potent blends of body makeup may need makeup remover to come off cleanly. 

2. Lotions

There are several different medication lotions and ointments that can lessen the visibility of stretch marks over time. This is done by increasing the collagen of your skin in the area with stretch marks, allowing that skin to look like your natural skin once more. These lotions can sometimes be expensive, and they may take several months to build up enough collagen in your skin to notice a difference. 

3. Camouflage Procedure

A stretch mark camouflage procedure is done by getting a skin-colored tattoo over your stretch mark, instantly making these areas look like the rest of your skin. This procedure can usually be done in less than an hour, fixing your problem with literally no downtime. Camouflaging works by restoring the pigmentation that has been lost in the area of the stretch mark. The color restoration will make the stretch mark blend back into your skin.

The cost for the procedure can vary, though the only way to know would be to contact a company that does stretch mark camouflaging for a quote. The beauty of camouflaging stretch marks is that it is a one-time procedure that can completely relieve stretch marks, permanently. Instead of having to fuss over makeup or lotions, you can get it taken care of once and for all.  

In conclusion, getting a camouflage procedure is definitely the most permanent and effective way to get rid of stretch marks. If you can afford to invest a little into your skin, you will surely be pleased with the outcome. Talk to a dermatologist near you for more information on the benefits of stretch mark camouflaging. 
