If you're tired of your current job, but you don't want to spend a long time in school learning a new career, then cosmetology might be for you. The training only takes a matter of months, and when you're finished, you'll embark on a fun career. Cosmetology is a great match if you have creativity and love to work with people. Here is some information on training for this profession.

State Certification Is Required

The first step is to find out what is required for certification in your state. You won't be able to work if you don't have your state license. This generally entails taking a state-approved cosmetology course and passing a certification exam. You may need a specific number of classroom training hours and a certain number of practice hours before you can take the test. Once you know what is required, you can look for a training program that offers what you need. Be sure to choose a program that is accredited so the state will honor the credits you earned during your training.

Cosmetology Programs Vary

Cosmetology covers different aspects of beauty care. You may only want to learn to be a hairstylist. If so, you would take the basic course. Some programs also offer instruction in skin and nail care. Taking the extra classes could add some time to your training. Most courses take several months to a year to complete. It may take longer if you continue working your current job while you go to cosmetology school part-time. When you graduate, you have a diploma rather than a degree since the training is so short.

Even though the programs may differ somewhat on the cosmetology aspects they teach, they all offer complete instruction on hair care. You'll learn how to cut hair, apply extensions, give chemical treatments, and create hairstyles. You'll also learn about sanitation and disorders of the scalp and skin. You'll probably learn how to give manicures as well and you might even learn about airbrush makeup. If your interest is more in makeup artistry or nail care, be sure the cosmetology program you choose has in-depth training in those areas.

If you've attended a state-approved cosmetology course, such as at Tri-County Beauty College, you'll be ready to take the licensing test after you graduate. Your state may require multiple tests and certifications. For instance, you may want additional certifications in skin care or nail care. The cosmetology school you attend should prepare you well for the tests you have to take. Classes may even focus on test drills toward the end of your training. The sooner you take and pass your state licensing test, the sooner you can get to work as a cosmetologist.
