If you are considering visiting a dermatologist at a clinic like Center Of Dermatology PC/Herschel E Stoller MD to learn about possible beauty care treatments, such as wrinkle reductions, skin tightening, or the reduction of spider veins, then you should also consider all of the ways beyond beauty treatments that a dermatologist may be able to help you. Below are just some of the services a dermatologist can provide that go beyond in-office treatments and allow you to continue your skincare treatment on your own. 

Skin-Care Education 

Each of the following points will ultimately come back to this first critical service that dermatologists supply: education. Many individuals simply do not know how to properly care for their skin or they have a specific skin condition that requires specific care in order to manage it. A dermatologist should be the first person you consult when it comes to questions about skin care. When you make an appointment, you should go in with plenty of specific questions from your daily cleansing routine to skin risks and signs and symptoms you should look out for in the future. You should consider your dermatologist an educational source rather than a treatment specialist. 

Product Recommendation 

There are thousands of beauty products available in the current market, and it can be difficult to figure out which products live up to their claims and which are simply a waste of money. Even getting reviews from supposedly impartial sources such as magazines and online forums can sometimes backfire. However, your dermatologist can help you decide which products will be effective against your specific skin issues. This will allow you to purchase fewer products and spend your money on worthwhile skincare products. 

At-Home Massage and Acupressure Techniques 

There are simple massage techniques that, when practiced on a daily basis, can help reduce common signs of aging such as wrinkles and loose skin. Your dermatologist can teach you specific techniques that will help you target your problem areas. These techniques can usually be used between office visits to help increase the efficiency and longevity of the treatments you are undergoing with your dermatologist. 

Identification of Risks 

You are likely aware of the main skin issues people face. Skin cancer due to sun exposure and premature aging tend to be the most commonly discussed risks. However, a dermatologist can help you thoroughly assess your current lifestyle to identify factors that contribute to potential skin cancer or signs of premature aging. They can also assess your skin to help you identify what signs of aging you are most likely to exhibit from a young age and which treatments can help reduce those signs. Knowing your specific risks as opposed to the general risks that everyone faces can help you create a targeted skincare routine that will keep you looking fresh and young for a longer period of time. 

Help You Break Bad Skincare Habits

With all of the skincare advice passed down through generations, shared through friends, and touted in beauty magazines, it is likely that you have come across at least some bad skincare advice. Unfortunately, many people follow complicated skincare routines that do very little to actually help solve their skin issues because they are following bad advice. A dermatologist can help you sort through the advice you have received in the past and identify which advice is worth following and which advice should be ignored. They can help you break bad habits, such as over-exfoliating or the use of steam baths to clear pores, and replace them with healthy, effective habits that will actually have a positive effect on your skin. 

By thinking of your dermatologist as a source of education and an expert in your specific skin problems, you can utilize them to create the perfect at-home care routine. 
